January 7, 2006

Hmm, What's This? Oh No! Tag, You're It!!!

It seems I have been 'tagged' by my Sister-In-Law (theandersons05.blogspot.com) with the task of answering the following 4 Questions series.

I guess I've been caught (like the picture below taken during one of our adventures on quad-skates).

And So It Begins...

Four jobs you have had in your life:

The two most mundane, yet still somewhat enriching, stations of employment I have held would be;

1). A 'Pearl Diver' (dish washer) for a confectionary bakery.
2). A Bag-Boy for Publix.

The two more interesting ones would be;

3). Automotive Electrical Specialist - a semi-career spanning about 10 years.
4). Electronics/Electrical Engineer - been at it for 8 years so far, I guess they like me...

Four movies you would watch over and over:

1). The Babylon 5 series (all 5 years) and their movie collection. (Got all of them.)
2). The newer Planet of the Apes by Tim Burton.
3). Star Man
4). Protocol
(Luann knows why)

Four places you have lived:
In order of time spent on that state's soil;

1). Florida
2). Arizona
3). Georgia
4). Texas

Four TV shows you love to watch:
I'm not much of a TV fan, but of those times when I may sit long enough to see a complete episode of what's on the 'tube' I would prefer to see;

1). House (it's refreshing to see a physician not bend to social/legal pressures).
2). Anything NASCAR, or racing related.
3). Babylon 5 (long since off the air).
4). Most of the CSI-style shows (to include NCIS), but ironically, not the Miami version.

Four places you have been on vacation:
In no specific order;

1). The Netherlands (Holland)
2). Cozumel, Mexico
3). Sedona, Arizona
4). Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Four websites you visit daily:
1). MSNBC - (for news)
2). news.yahoo.com - (for news)
3). cagle.slate.msn.com - (political cartoons)
4). The blog sites of family and friends - (all the while trying to answer the call of the beer commercial - "Wassuuuup?")

Four of your favorite foods:

In order of preference
1). Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. My one true vice. Forget Lays Potato Chips, I bet you can't eat just one...
2). Indonesian food - Bahmi Goreng, Nasi Udang, Sambal Badjak (go ahead, 'Google' them up).
3). Indian food - Mostly Chicken Masala and anything Tandoori.
4). Thai food - Phad Thai is my favorite, but it better be spicy.

Four places you would rather be right now:
1). On top of a mountain somewhere in the Rocky Mountain Range.
2). In a desolate, open field on a cloudless night free from 'light pollution', looking through a powerful telescope.
3). Hiking the ENTIRE Appalachian Trail.
4). Running a Bed & Breakfast with Luann.

Four bloggers you are tagging:

Since I'm new to this game and I received this challenge from one of the few Bloggers I know, I'll have to offer up;

1). My brother's family site: nieborgs.blogspot.com - Hi Jody & Jen!
2). A good friend of mine since junior high school days: bosticfamily.blogspot.com - Hey Charlie!


Blogger Charles said...

Like everything you do, you have some great pics. Hey Hans!!

Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:30:00 AM  

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