October 2, 2007

News From The Parents

Got a call from my mother that Dad was admitted to the hospital complaining that he had difficulty breathing. Turns out it is something that is allergy related and he also has itchy, watery eyes. Seems they were cleaning out the garage in order to have less cars sitting outside and they all got into a bunch of dust while moving things around. According to the doctor, this is what most likely triggered his allergic response.

Mom says that her chemo treatments haven't fully beat the cancer yet and they are now looking at a different medicine cocktail to get her 'marker' values down. She is still upbeat and the doctor seems to feel she can get it into remission if they hit on the mixture.

Better watch out! Kaylee has been seen driving around town in a Chevy Cavalier convertible, you better keep an eye out for the young driver in training. I suggested they set off a warning siren for the neighborhood whenever she turns the key in the ignition to start the car. It didn't sound as though they liked that idea...

Treesie has finally been able to move into a different career path at work so she can work normal 8-5 hours and be home with her family on the weekends. She knew it was going to be tough to work her way back to a normal schedule, but she knew she to 'take one for the family' so she could be home if the parents ever needed her during Mom's chemo. We hope things start settling down for all of them some.


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