April 25, 2008

I Flipped My Bobcat Pin Today

This morning, there was an anomaly that occurred which reminded me of something that happened when I was a youngster.

Luann and I were at Dunkin Doughnuts this morning and the place was packed, with every employee scurrying around, working on completing customer’s orders. We were standing in line when the manager, who was working the cash register, accidentally spilled a large cup of coffee on the counter. My first impulse was to rush up to the counter and grab some napkins and help mop up the spill. Unfortunately, since we were 3rd in the line I realized that when everybody in front of us took a step back to keep from getting little driblets of coffee on their shoes, the small crush of humanity leaning back on us totally squelched any ideas I had of immediately making my way to the counter to lend assistance.

So, we waited in line, watching fellow patrons maneuvering their way around the ‘wet zone’ and grumbling about the mess. One very capable gentleman even stood back from the counter and wouldn't step closer for fear of getting something on the bottom of his shoes. When the counterperson tried to hand him a package containing his order, she had to lean her stomach fully on the coffee-sodden countertop because he wouldn't even reach out to take it from her. By the time we made it to the counter, it had been quickly wiped down with a wet cloth and the coffee that made it onto the floor was picked up with a mop.

I could see that the ‘doughnut crew’ was extremely busy and that any attempt to finish wiping the counter dry would throw off their timing, so when we stepped up to the counter and Luann gave them our order, I grabbed a handful of paper towels from the dispenser on the counter and started drying things off. The manager had a surprised look on his face and before he could say anything, I said; “Don’t break your stride man, just keep taking care of the customers, I’ve got your back!" I finished the job just as they handed Luann our order, and then we were on our way.

So, are these paragraphs a way for me to say; “Hey, look what I did”?

Actually no, they aren't.

What is most significant about this is how everybody was so concerned about themselves, that they wouldn't do anything to help. I wasn't looking for accolades or anything, I just saw a need I could fill.

Now, what does this have to do with a Bobcat Pin? As we were leaving Dunkin Doughnuts, I had something of a flashback and remembered when I had done a good deed like this before when I was a cub scout. You see, back when I was kid and you wanted to join the cub scouts, you would have to memorize and pronounce the cub scout oath (on my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty, to God and my country, to be square and to obey the law of the pack), and then you were given a pin with the image of a bobcat's head stamped on it. The Bobcat Pin was put on your uniform with the cat's head positioned upside down and could only be flipped over to its right-side up position once you had done something of merit.

I still remember the good deed I performed which let me flip over my Bobcat Pin. It was that I opened the door for my grandparents and held it open for them as we were leaving their house to go shopping. Since I had recently come from my cub scout meeting, I still had my uniform on. It didn't even dawn on me that I might be doing something that would let me flip over my Bobcat Pin, I just wanted to do it.

This episode at Dunkin doughnuts today reminded me of something that might be considered to be a trivial thing from my past. But I guess, in all reality, I'm still a Cub Scout at heart...

Today, people are so wrapped up in their own personal micro-world, that they refuse to do that which had once been commonplace. We need to remember our yesterdays, because where we came from sharply defines who we are.

So, what will happen today that will let you flip over your "Bobcat Pin"?


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