September 22, 2008

A Visit To The Cypress Creek Wellfields

After hunting for geocaches with Karen yesterday, we went on a bicycle ride around the Cypress Creek Wellfields, a place where water is drawn for the local municipalities. We were joined by fellow cacher 'Rainbow Girlz' and a friend of hers for our jaunt and we found a bunch of nature all over the place. Remember, you can click on the pictures to see a larger version of the image.

The sun was shining off of this spider's web in such a way that I just had to get a picture of it.

Here we are, inspecting the remains of a burned -out oak tree that was struck by lightning. It took alittle bit of bushwhacking to get to the site, but we were able to get some neat pictures.

For example, this yellow garden spider. It was neat to see the web with its zig-zag sticky track and the spider's nose-down attitude.

There were lots of butterflies fluttering all over the place. This one paused just long enough for me to snap a picture.

Even the moths were cute. This one landed on Luann's hat to rest for a minute or two.

Here is one of the caches we found. Katrina decided to place a Winnie The Pooh keychain fob from Mom's collection in the container.

Now, this ferocious-looking beast is a golden orb weaver, also commonly called a banana spider, due to its long, yellow thorax. Yeah, I wouldn't want to come face-to-face with one of these guys!

Looks like we found another geocache, and this time Rainbowgirlz is processing it as we watched.

This squirrel thought we didn't see him as he remained curled up and motionless on the knot of this oak tree.

And how about a quick-pic of a grasshopper? He stayed quite still while I took this shot.

Then we came across this pygmy rattlesnake. It's so hard to believe that we stepped right over him and only after 4 of us had gone over this guy on the log, that Katrina had spotted him sleeping there. Looks like we should be a bit more vigilent in a explorations.

Well, it's been fun, but it's high noon and we need to pack it up and get out of the heat. This was a bunch of fun. We got about 5 miles of bike riding done, photographed a bunch of critters and had fun hanging out with Rainbow Girlz and her friend. Until the next time...


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