January 25, 2009

Caching With Karen

Actually, we went geocaching yesterday (Saturday 1-24-09) after I got back from the CITO, but I didn't post this until today (Sunday). So actually, after I was done with the CITO over by work, Karen, Luann and I went out to pick up a few new geocaches in a park that Katrina had recently visited. Remember, click on any of the pictures that interest you, and it will open up into a larger picture.

It's nice to find a big-ole ammo box like this loaded with neat trade items.

We came across this gecko that was barely moving, and I guess he was on his way out, because he was barely responsive at all. We placed him on a tree branch and when we came back a couple of hours later, he had not moved and didn't do anything when touched. Looks like he's checked into 'lizard heaven'...

The views at this park were simply stunning.

And apparently, so were the trees...

Yeah, some great shots could be found around practically every bend of the nature trails we were following.

Looks like Karen found it!

And I did my part as a writing surface...

Yet another armadillo can be seen (and heard) plowing through the underbrush.

Looks like a good spot for birds to stop by for a break.

And a nice place to find a cache too.

Well, the sun is going down, so we will need to be leaving the park soon.

But first, how about grabbing another cache or two beforehand?

It was a bunch of fun and we got some serious exercise too. We need to do more of these with Karen because geocaching is a bunch of fun whenever we go out together.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like Karen fell in loe with the tree..

Sunday, January 25, 2009 6:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hans, i need to comment on that volvo... that's a ghost of your car... you need to work on that vehicle asap...

Saturday, January 31, 2009 10:48:00 AM  

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