January 17, 2010

Geocaching With The Critters

While we had new tires installed on the Magnum, we decided to look for a nearby geocache, and perhaps get some shots of the native wildlife too.

Luann took this shot as I got a little 'Steve Irwin' with a critter that tends to be native to the area.
(Remember, 'Click-On-A-Pic' to see a larger verson of it!)

Ah, but I get ahead of myself...

After we dropped off the car, we jumped in the van and headed over to a nearby business park that had a geocache in it. On our way, we came across these wild turkeys making their way across a parking lot.

These birds are pretty neat. They have several different patterns on their feathers that only became apparent when one of them spread its wings to fly up into a tree.

Yeah, these guys look quite different from the ones you see on the Thanksgiving Day table...

So, we finished up with the turkeys, got back in the van and headed towards the geocache when we came across this 4-legged 'speedbump' walking across the road. You know we just had to stop and relocate this guy to a safer area.

But, you do have to be careful when you handle one of these guys, because those choppers can cause some damage. He wasn't a happy turtle.

Forgetting about the geocache, we drove over to a nearby park that we had been to recently for a geocaching event and 'launched' the turtle at the canoe launch. He sure took his time leaving though. You can see him sitting at the water's edge (in the middle of the red circle). Eventually, he eased into the water. Welcome to your new home, buddy.

While Luann waited for the turtle to take off, I snapped a couple of photos of this scene. With the turtle gone, we headed back over to the the area where the geocache is supposed to be.

Remember the first image where I was taking a picture of a good-sized alligator? It turns out, the geocache is next to a pond in this business complex where we found the turkeys and the turtle. I guess that's the price you pay when your office is next to a wildlife preserve... So, I took a couple of pictures of the big 'gator' and realized the lighting was wrong and I would need to work my way around to the other side of it for a better shot. Well, as I walked around the backside of the pond, I came across this little beasty sleeping in the grasses near the edge.

And further down, this 5-6 footer was lounging in the sun.

But, my goal was to get a close up of the biggest gator in town, so I made my way closer to my quarry.

And came this close so I could get my shot.

Every time I come across a gator this big, I tend to marvel at how they look something like a dinosaur. I mean, the arms on this guy looks like they're made of some kind of armored plates.

Oh, and while I made my way around the pond, Luann snagged the geocache and dropped off a travel bug too. By the way, as I was getting up close and personal with the gator, my cell phone rang (scaring the bejesus out of me) and it was the tire shop. Time to go pick up the Magnum! So, we may have only found one geocache, but the photographic opportunities were great today...
On to the next page.


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