March 18, 2010

A 'Bump' On The Road

Brad & Katrina were involved in a bit of an accident in his car on the way back to his house...

And of course, the police were called.

It was actually kind of severe. You can see where the car was hit in the left-rear door and that caused them to spin out in the grass. Thankfully, they didn't hit a tree.

The hit on the driver's side did mangle up the door, but it still opens and closes properly.

As they were sliding sideways in the grass, the brand new right-front tire was forced off of the wheel. It dug in pretty deep and you can see how the dirt is built up inside the rim.

Here's a view of the wheel carnage from a different angle.

As for the car that hit Brad's car, he slid along and hit this group of small trees. Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures of the other car.

When I came by after work (it was dark by then) I found out that the speed limit was only 30 miles an hour. The basic thing that happened here is that the guy behind Brad & Katrina was impatient and tried to pass them as they were turning left. From what we can see from the skid marks, the guy actually swerved so far to the left that he hit them after they had left the main road and had cleared the intersection. Also, the area where this happened is in front of a school and school was in session. The reason for explaining this is because the police officer decided to give Brad a ticket for "Failure To Yield The Right-Of-Way Of An Overtaking Vehicle".

After researching Florida Statutes - Chapter 316.083, this would only be true were Bradley to be hit as he was beginning to turn left in the main part of the road, but since he had completed the turn and the other driver had swerved left to hit the kids after they had cleared the intersection, this ticket should be easy to challenge. As a matter of fact, Bradley's father went to the local police station to complain about the ticket and a pair of officers there said that they can see that this wasn't Bradley's fault, so they wouldn't have written the ticket against him. If anything, the other driver should have been cited. Looks like Brad is going to have his day in court...

On to the next page.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm glad that they are both doing fine inspite of the damage that hit the car. i just wish that the ticket will be thrown out and will not be use against brad when he goes to court... tell them be aware of those crazy drivers that are lurking in our highways, streets and they are everywhere..


Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:01:00 PM  

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