The Nieborgs - InfoSpot

December 31, 2005

Another Day At The Range

Well, we decided to close out the old year with a little family target practice. We can safely say that the world is now much safer from crazed, marauding pieces of paper with circles printed on them.

Katrina starts out with a .22 caliber pistol, with me commenting on her placement on the target. Her Godfather, Mark is working out in the next shooter's stall.

Later, she tries out one of the range officer's .357 Magnums. How big was the recoil of .357 full-magnum loads? The look on her face after she pulled the trigger the first time says it all. Her next couple of pulls showed great improvement though, as she 'walked' it back up the target to the bulls-eye. The range officer said that perhaps she might want to think about trying out for competitive shooting, she was that good. I had to push her stomach back and her schoulders forward in order to keep her posture correct to properly handle the recoil from the single-action revolver.

Luann decided to have a go at the .357 Mag too. She did pretty good as well.

This Cuban Anole lizard can change from brown to green at will. He was too cute for us to make a target out of. Besides, we were there to protect the world from paper.

December 30, 2005

After-Christmas Fishing

Katrina and I decided to take advantage of a nice Floridian December day and go fishing in the canoe. We didn't catch much, just some sail-catfish, which are fun to fight but not good to eat. Following are some pictures of our adventure.

The area is nice and easy access for a canoe.

This is Katrina's first catch.

This is what a pregnant sail-cat looks like. Of course, we gently put her back in the water after this picture was taken.

We were even escorted by a couple of porpoises for a bit.

We drifted by this osprey (sea-hawk) and he was quite wary of us, then finally took flight.

Time to head home now.

December 28, 2005

Went To See The Lightning Play Hockey

Well, it was an interesting game, but unfortunately, the Lightning lost to the Montreal Canadiens 4 - 3. Still a good game though. Would have taken a better picture, but cameras were not allowed. Thank goodness for cell phone cameras...

December 25, 2005

A Trip To Cirque Du Soleil - Varekai

Luann surprised us with an early family Christmas of tickets to go see the Cirque Du Soleil circus. It was a spectacular event that was filled with plenty of ohhs and ahhs from the crowd. Luann took a couple of pictures (the best of which is shown below - still working on figuring out how to set up the new camera) until the show actually started and they announced that all electronic devices should be turned off so as not to disturb the performers as they ran through their acts.

The Cirque Du Soleil circus is a mix of theatre, daring-do performances of skill and talent, a music and song extravaganza and some interpretive dances.

If you're not careful, attending a show can be expensive ($4.00 for a bottle of water or bag of popcorn, $37.00 for a DVD of the show or even $10.00 for a refrigerator magnet) but the big-top is small and cozy and there really are no bad seats in the house, so even the $35.00 seats are a good deal. I highly recommend a visit if at all possible to the Cirque Du Soleil for the experience of a lifetime.

December 12, 2005

Shameless Plug For Our Webshots Photo Site

For anyone who might be interested, we also dabble in quasi-amateur photography.

Click here:
to jump to our Webshots catalog page.

December 11, 2005

Dean & Brenda's Wedding

Sorry, this one is a little late. We attended the wedding of a friend of Luann's, Dean and his bride-to-be, Brenda over the Thanksgiving weekend. It was held on the beach and was very informal. I have to admit, it was the most fun we have ever had at a wedding.

Congratulations Dean and Brenda, we hope the future treats you both well.

You know, we just have to mention that the cerememony was so casual, that they forgot to bring a knife to cut the wedding cake, so a folding-blade 'pig-sticker' was the only thing available to do the job. 3 cheers to Brenda, she took it all in stride and now this has become one of the most memorable weddings we have ever been to.

See, it wasn't so bad...

A great time had by all.

December 8, 2005

Katrina's Volleyball Award Banquet

Well, tonight was the night for Katrina's Junior Varsity / Varsity volleyball team banquet. She was given a trophy and a Tee-shirt for this year's efforts (not to mention a nice dinner too). Unfortunately, we decided to bring along Luann's new digital camera and we had a few blurry shots. We need to get up to speed on it real quick.

Nice Job Katrina!