January 8, 2006

A Little Stroll On The Beach

We decided to go to the beach and enjoy the mild weather. Still thankful we're in Florida...

As we walked along this boardwalk, we came across several brave birds. This one here is a Great White Heron, an unusual find in our area. It's a bit chilly on the boardwalk, so he isn't willing to extend his neck fully.

This one is a Snowy Egret easily identified by the smaller size, black beak, yellow feet and black legs.

And this one is a Great Blue Heron. The interesting thing is that all three of these birds were within 20 feet of each other.

We went down the beach a bit and came upon this kite-flying regatta.

Just before this picture was taken, Katrina found somebody's cell phone in the public restrooms. We decided to wait nearby with the phone until they tried to call for it. About 45 minutes later, the phone rang and we told the young lady on the other side where to pick up the phone. Minutes later, she came running up, obviously happy, and explained that she was from New York on vacation and thought she wasn't going to get it back. We were glad to return it, then we moved into position on the beach to take our final shots of the setting sun.


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