February 4, 2007

More Geocaching News

We were a bit busy this weekend as we found another 10 locations, plus sent off a travel bug with the hopes it can make it to Zwartsluis, Holland. We found that geocaching is a big-time hobby in the Overijssel province where Wicher and Sonja Nieborg lives, so we're hoping they might read this blog and try their hand at it, in preparation for the arrival of our These Shoes Are Made For Walkin' travel bug asking to be placed in a cache near Zwartsluis. Wish us luck...

This was a neat container with a pill bottle inside the main body. You have to be careful, or the thing will pop apart when you open it.

Here is another one we found hidden off of a highway I use to go to and from work every day.

This one was a good one. The rock was hollowed out and some tupperware was glued into the bottom of it.

How about this one? A magnetic label had a signature-log stapled to the back side, then was stuck under a guard rail.

This one was a plastic version of an ammo box.

How about a 1-quart peanut butter jar stuck in a hole?

This one is called a Travel Bug 'Resort'. This is a cache that is located near the airport, in the hopes that somebody catching a flight, may stop by to pick up a travel bug and send it on its way.

This one took a bit of walking to get to the site. As you can see, this one was worth the trip.

By the way, Mark Sweeney decided to come along with us for this weekend's jaunt and even had his own FTF (First Time Find) of this magnetic micro-cache. Way to go Mark!

And then there was Dragonem. We had some problems with the GPS, so I had to dead-reckon the location by walking in the right directions to get the GPS readings to match the coordinates. This route took us literally over hill and dale, across some railroad tracks and through the neighborhoods to come face-to-face with this dragon sculpture. Katrina got the "I Found It!" award on this one.

This one has a 35mm film case concealed in it. Nice job.

I had to fight the ants in a tree for this one. I signed the log, cleaned the ant-dirt out of the location and put the bottle back. I won...

This one is a tiny aluminum container called a 'Rhino Bottle'. It looks like one of those tiny pill bottles that heart patients carry to keep nitroglycerin tablets in it.

Well, that's what we've found, so far. If you want to learn more about our latest interest, just click on the Geocaching.com link box on the left side of the screen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Hans,
I readed your blog about the geocaching. In order to make sure I understand what you're up to I will also read the rest of it and we will wait and see if something is coming up to Zwartsluis.

Groeten, Wicher.

Monday, February 12, 2007 7:14:00 AM  
Blogger Jody/Jen Nieborg said...

Hey Hans,
I got your email about geocaching. That's awesome. The boys and I are still into it, but during the winter we pretty much have to take a break. When Luann heads to Arizona, I recommend the "NO, MINES THE BIGGEST!....(Hello Again)" cache. I dropped a TB off there one time I was in AZ. The trick is to get in and out and not hear "You've been caught by team RED DOG!" I'm a member of the geocaching site. Member name is "GCP-Snurfer". Let me know the TB id you're sending and I'll keep start tracking it.
Talk to you later.

Friday, February 16, 2007 11:00:00 AM  

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