May 25, 2007

News Flash! Death In The Family Story Was A Lie!

After the whole, "Jaime is going home for her grandmother's funeral", it turns out that Mom & Dad Anderson sent a card of condolence to the twin brother of Jaime's mother, Andrew saying they were sorry that his birth mother had passed away. Since Andrew didn't know about her passing, and felt that their older brother, Johnathon didn't know, he called John and gave him the bad news. After that, Andrew called Jaime's mother Aimee to find out the details, to which Aimee admitted that there was nothing wrong and had made up the story in order for Jaime to come home a few days early. Wow, what a mess...

Apparently, Jaime had talked to her parents Saturday afternoon and told them that we were constantly arguing with her and had called her a thief, so she wanted to go home now. The interesting thing is, the one and only heated debate Jaime and I had was April 5th, after I had picked her up from her second episode of attending ATOSS, which is an out-of-school suspension program, for fighting in class. I asked her what she wanted to do with her life and she started yelling and screaming, saying I made her the way she is, which caused me to break out in laughter. I then explained to her that the only victim here, was our family for what she was putting us through, what with dealing with the police for her physically assaulting one of the Hillsborough County Commissioner's kids in class in the first ATOSS episode and trying to strangle a girl in the second ATOSS episode. She then became verbally abusive and eventually became sullen and just sat in the truck and sulked. Now, I guess you could call this an argument, but it would seem to me that you would need 2 people yelling for it to be considered an argument.

As for her being called a thief, on April 2nd, we had discovered she had taken a bottle of my cologne from our bathroom cabinet and had it in her school bag. When it fell out of her bag, we asked her about it, and she "Swore to God" that she didn't take it. I later found out through my contacts at her school that Jaime had taken the cologne to give to a boy she was interested in at school, but he rejected her gift. Not only was she caught with the goods in her bag, but I had a teacher and one of her friends tell me she was seen in school with it, and why it was taken. So, she was never called a thief in such specific terms, because the questioning ended with me stating that the cat must have taken it and her storming down the hall and laying down in bed. End of discussion.

Since Aimee decided not to call us and question us about our point of view regarding Jaime's claims as any responsible adult would, I feel that this dirty laundry must be placed in a public forum so those who know us can decide for themselves what the truth is. To be honest, we would prefer this sordid affair were put behind us and no more contact be made between the two factions. With regard to Aimee, her husband Jason and Jaime, we have acted with truth, honesty and integrity in all of our dealings. We were hoping to give Jaime a stable life in a comfortable, loving home that believes in legal pursuits and aspire to the lofty goals of health, wealth and happiness. That was the best we could do. Now, we just want this behind us so we can go on with our comfortable and happy lives, leaving the angst, frustration and depression to others who want it.

Happy news will be coming soon, I promise.


Blogger T_ said...

You are most definitely a funny guy. If the other "factions" had a computer and internet access, perhaps they would not agree with me. Keep on keeping it real. T-

Sunday, March 09, 2008 8:00:00 PM  

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