The Nieborgs - InfoSpot

August 26, 2007

New Geocache, Comedian Jeff Dunham And More

We came across an email from a friend with a funny video of this ventriloquist, Jeff Dunham. When we watched the video, we were laughing so hard that we just had to see if he was visiting Florida anytime soon and as luck would have it, he was performing at the Orlando Improv this weekend. It was well worth the trip...

In this picture, you can see him on stage with one of his puppets named 'Walter'. Walter is a crotchety old fart that complains about everything. Unlike most ventriloquists, Jeff Dunham has multiple dummies with strikingly different voices, personalities and manerisms. He has Walter, Peanut (our favorite), Jose Jalapeno (on a STEEK!), Sweet Daddy D, Melvin the Superhero, Achmed the Terrorist & Bubba J. We were laughing so much, breathing was difficult.

We were on the upper deck of the Improv.

And boy, we were jammed in there wall-to-wall like sardines! It was still fun though. We quickly forgot about all of the people around us when Jeff started his bit.

We also decided to place another geocache in the neighborhood. We named this one, Dragon's Lair. This style of cache is called a "Letterbox-Hybrid" because it has a rubber stamp and a stamp pad in it to swap stamp marks. We saw that this type of cache isn't very common, so we just had to place a cache that Geocachers and Letterboxers could both hunt for near our house. Obviously, you will need to come up with the combination for the padlock before you can see what's inside.

And here is a picture of the contents. There is a logbook, a rubber stamp with a picture of a dragon laying down (that's why it's called Dragon's Lair), a red ink stamp pad, a pen for geocachers that don't carry a rubber stamp and fastened to the door is a letterboxing geocoin that people can write down the number and discover it to get this really neat icon:

Letterboxing Geocoin
Hopefully, it will be as popular as our Dr. Seuss themed, "1 Fish, 2 Fish, I Fish, U Fish" geocache has been.

While we were in Orlando, we decided to visit a couple of geocaches (of course). This one had a great point of view for this rainbow.

The next geocache took us into this cemetary. This was our first cemetary cache and it was so strange, trying not to step on somebody while perfoming the photography and collecting information for this virtual cache.

The next search actually involved finding a big container and signing the logbook. Kind of creepy with all of those headstones around us and a mean-looking storm coming at us...

And finally, we come to this cute little snapping turtle that Luann found in the road while on the way to the store. She brought him home for me to put somewhere safe, so I took a picture of him on the hood as the rain started coming down, then drove him (of course, he was inside the truck for the trip) to a canal up the road and dropped him in. Hope he likes his new digs...

August 17, 2007

Just A Little Therapy

Is it mental, occupational, or is it physical? Tell you in a bit...

Actually, Luann fell and twisted her ankle, and I twisted my knee when I landed wrong. The diagnosis for Luann is a hyper-extended tendon and as for me, I tore a muscle in my knee. So, this means we are both in Physical Therapy, working to strengthen our stressed muscles. We should be done with our therapy by the first week of September.

It will be nice to have our mobility back to full strength.

August 13, 2007

We had Fun At Melissa's Birthday

We were invited to a birthday party for Katrina's friend Melissa (in the black shirt), on Saturday afternoon, Aug 11th.

To begin with, since Melissa and Family are also into geocaching, her mother and I had hidden 3 geocaches on Friday evening after work. Luann took Katrina and Melissa out to the mall as a diversionary tactic while Melissa's mother and I 'seeded' the yard. This picture is the aftermath of finding two small and one regular sized cache. I was even able to make one of them a 2-part multistage cache with an ammo box as the final stage.

One thing that is something of a favorite, is a bobbing for apples contest, which Melissa won easily.

Next, was a bit of daring-do for Melissa's Dad. I was wondering why he came over to me, put his hand on his chest and walked back over to the board. He told me it was so he could cut the hole to the right height so he could squat down (see his feet on each side) and I could stand up straight, to which my reply was.... WHAT!?!

As Melissa's Dad was being pelted by pie tins laden with aerosol whipped cream, I noticed that little Phillip had a monster pile of whipped cream on a pie tin, waiting to 'cream' his Dad. I just had to take the opportunity to smoosh it in his own face. He swore vengeance on my face when I was up next...

So, after taking a shot or two from the overly strenuous teenagers, I found it necessary to clean my glasses. It seems that the cleanest thing I had at the moment was my tongue.

After little Phillip had his swing-and-a-miss (I ducked out of the way and the whipped cream made a perfect oval on the back wall) and then a couple more teenagers had their chance, I now found it necessary to clear out my sinuses.


So, do you know what whipped cream sounds like when it hits your face, rebounds off your protective glasses and makes a 90 degree turn into both ears? Well, I do!

Got...To Clean...My Face!!!

Aaaaaahhh! That's more like it...

Group Shot. See my real, Bozo The Clown hair?

I hope the kids liked my antics as I did a couple of Chaplin-esque moves and some clownish pantomime to make it more than a "hit me in the face, ok we're done" episode. Obviously, we all had a ball and Melissa's party was quite memorable.