November 24, 2007

Geocaching With Denny

We had some fun today, looking for geocaches with Dennis from work. He did real well, finding 3 of the 6 geocaches that we found.

Before we headed out to a park near where Dennis lives, we performed a little cache maintenance at our 1 Fish, 2 Fish & Dragon's Lair caches. Katrina got some really nice pictures of this Great Blue Heron on the way to 1 Fish, 2 Fish.

And after reading the weblogs for our Dragon's Lair cache, we saw that some seekers had spotted some tree frogs in the container. We just had to take some pictures of those little guys on our maintenance run.

Here we are, at the park by Dennis' House. At the first geocache we were looking for, we came upon this trapped little box turtle. He had worked his way over the top of a log, then slid down into some vines and couldn't back out. We picked him up and moved him back over to a nearby pond.

Katrina is keeping an eye on him as she is taking notes about the cache container Dennis just found.

And, on to the next cache in this park. We had to ford this little brook as we made our way to Dennis' next find.

On the way, we came across this speed-demon gopher tortoise, making his way down the path.

When we reached the spot where the geocache was supposed to be, we had a tough time locating it. It took some time until Dennis was poking around in the pine needles and he found something hard. "Clunk! Hey, what is that?"

We went looking for another one, but the best we could do was take a picture of this butterfly. Luann said this little guy was a poser and would stay in one spot, no matter how close she was from him. We finally gave up the search, because from the description and hint, the container was definitely missing.

So, we drove over to another part of the park and discovered this one. I pointed out to Dennis the difficult-to-see hiding spot that was up underneath this boardwalk.

So, on the next search, Dennis found the cache. Inside was a brand-new New York Yankees T-Shirt and one of our travel coins. We took the T-Shirt for Dennis and put a whole bunch of stuff in the container before it was replaced. Wow, what a find!

As we went searching for the final cache, we came across some really neat sculptures placed in the park. We only passed two of them, but from what we could see, somebody has a wild imagination.

The second sculpture we passed, was made to look like a mermaid, with her lower section made out of hands, on her back is an outline of the globe and her 'hair' is made of pine cones. Really neat.

So, now we find the last one in the park and this was a good chance to show Dennis that a feather rock made of volcanic pumice doesn't belong in the woods of Florida. Not a bad hide though.

After we left the park, we went back to Dennis' house, then walked over to a cache that was only 2 blocks from his house. Boy, was he surprised when I showed him that geocachers have planted a container, practically in his back yard. He has since registered as MediumVoltage and is beginning to log his finds.


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