May 10, 2008

World-Wide Flash Mob Geo-Event. What's That?

Well, it seems that there is a world-wide geocaching event called; "Flash Mob!". This is where geocachers all over the world get together at exactly the same time for all of 15 minutes and dissipate as quickly as we came together. This event was sponsored by Captain Biggins in a shopping mall, and he did a real good job of it.

Here is the Captain, surveying the center arena of the mall from the second floor.

As he makes his way to the first floor, you can see that nothing seems to be out of place in this scene. Little does the public know, but three-quarters of the people in the surrounding area is comprised of geocachers.

Hey, wait a minute! I know those two talking to Luann! It's Team Mudrduck!

Captain Biggins rounds the corner with his treasure chest tucked under his arm.

The Captain placed his treasure chest on the counter, blew a short blast on a horn, and the flash mob begins!

We all started popping out of the woodwork in order to drop an individual sign-up sheet in the treasure chest. If you didn't get your sheet in the chest before 12:15, too late! You can't get credit for attending the event.

Unfortunately, the Lexus salesmen in the middle of the fracas were totally confused... At this point, snack-bags were handed out, a drawing for door prizes was made, then we assembled for a conga line dance out of the mall.

Here we are, in hot pursuit of Captain Biggins as he leads the conga line past the food court and outside. Don't let him get away!

Outside, we paused for a few pictures before deciding where to go for some geocaching fun.

While holding the Captain's chest, I made the suggestion of heading to a nearby park where we have two of our caches hidden. It sounded like a good idea to Biggins, so he told everybody else that he was headed out that way too.

When we got to the park, the Captain was showing off his new mascot headpiece he got. He was thinking of wearing it into the mall, but it was just too hard to see in it. Good choice.

After getting our bearings, the mini-mob took off in search of the 6 geocaches in the park.

They really searched in earnest, leaving no stone unturned, or park bench uninspected...

Meanwhile, those of us whom have found the caches in the park, relaxed in the shade as the others searched.

Here is the first one they found after discovering the first three steps before-hand. A couple of the cachers were quite pleased to find some bottles of water in the container.

Here we are, headed over to the other side of the park, after finding two of the six so far.

Three caches later, this container was opened up and a couple of tree frogs jumped out. Thankfully, nobody jumped as much as the frogs did.

Ahhhh! Nothing like some ice cream (or Gatoraide) to cool things off. This event was a bunch of fun, and it was nice to meet up with some of our geocaching friends. 'Til the next one.


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