October 31, 2008

Geocaching With The In-Laws

Since the In-Laws had bought tickets to the World Series and it just happened to involve the Tampa Bay Rays, they stopped by for a visit. Of course, we just had to go out geocaching.

We took a look off of this bridge to find one of the stages of a multi-cache.

And wouldn't you know it, we had a nice opportunity to get a shot of this great blue heron.

Here is the first geocache they found..

And another photo opportunity presented itself. Lots of deer around here...

And how about a ring-necked snake too? He was so small, he looked like a little worm.

Would you look at the size of that toad? He's a big one. Another clever ceocache concealment technique.

And here's a nice example of a Southern Lubber Grasshopper.

And the final cache of the day, which happened to be one of ours. It turned out to be a nice day to go hunting for geocaches today.


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