February 1, 2009

Saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The wife and I decided to take the teenagers (ours and her friends) to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show hosted by:

And it was a unique and different experience for us all...

Here we are, all lined up in a row. To Katrina's right is Pat and Teishalyn, Luann's friend from work and her husband. Rememeber, click on the pictures to see a larger version of them. We had our prop bags consisting of items to toss into the crowd at the apropriate time (rice, toast, playing cards) and props to flash (party hat, rubber glove, a sheet of newspaper) when the movie had something like that showing on the screen.

Here is one of the stars of the in-theatre acting troupe (Ricky), with most of his costume on. As you can see, this will tend to get funny at times...

Katrina noticed that one of her friends (Natalie) was in the stage crew troupe and called her over. Kind of nice to know somebody that works in the show.

A quick advertising bit for Rocky Horror based items and the prop bags and we were off...

...to the virgins part of the introductions. The room was polled for visitors whom had never seen the show before, and they were brought up front to have fun with them. I won't tell you the stunt they had to perform, but I will tell you that one mother got up and 'rescued' her girls from doing it when it came their turn in the lineup.

And the show begins. The stage crew did very well, hitting their marks pretty much spot-on and the jokes and chants were hilarious.

At this point in the movie, there is a dance called: "The Time Warp" and that's when a bunch of the viewers get out in the aisles and dance along with it. Luann, Katrina and Melissa decided to join in the fun.

And the movie continues.

A close shot of the stage crew in action. There's Natalie to the right.

You can see the mix between the movie and the stage crew is really well timed.

This is the scene where the singer Meatloaf does his acting bit with a motorcycle and a saxaphone.

Now Ricky might be 46 and have a bit of a 'front porch', but he really got into the role and we enjoyed his work tonight. Again , the timing with the movie behind him was great.

This dance line is a tough one to work out, but nobody fell or stumbled...

Ah, the end of the movie is near and this scene was played out by our seats. You can see the detail that went into the costumes the stage crew was wearing.

For the uninitiated, the movie starts at midnight and we got out of there at about 2:30AM. Whew, long night! We had fun, we escaped being made fools of and it was a learning experience for several of us. Not a bad night after all...