March 22, 2009

Girls Night Out At The Ren-Faire

It was time for another get-together with the girls at the Bay Area Renaissance Faire (yes, the acronym is BARF) for some fun with their friends, or as they prefer to call it, G-NO (Girls Night Out). From left to right in this photo we have Karen-of-the-Wild, Luann in black, Teishalyn in orange, Next we have "Miss Jeff", then Connie in dark blue, Jennifer in burgundy and Marci in black. Obviously, some came in costume, while others arrived in 'stealth-mode', looking like any other visitor to the facilty...

Here are some of the girls waiting out front for the rest of the troupe to show up.

Ah, and here is Connie, making her grand entrance while sporting a pair of her hand-crafted faery wings.

Sometimes though, it's not the costume, but the attitude you bring to the Ren-Faire that counts. This was Jeff's rendition of the classic Marilyn Monroe scene where her dress was being blown up by the rushing wind of a subway passing below the grate she was standing over. I think he captured the moment completely...

As the girls wandered through the Faire, they came across Katrina and Melissa at the corset shoppe, so K&M decided to pause for this pose.

Then it was time to shop for some other items, looking at the possibilties and utility of everything they laid their hands on.

Afterwards, the human chess match had begun, so they sat down and watched the show.

Apparently, when one 'chess piece' captures another piece's position, there is a battle of epic proportions that ensues.

Ok, this is a little hard to explain. I'm not sure why this run-down 'Muppet' was at the Ren-Faire, but I guess you can find just about anything here... Kinda like Halloween for the adults.

As the girls were strolling along, they came across this hypnotism show. And, there is Katrina, sitting next to one of her co-workers from the corset shoppe. It was all Katrina could do to keep from giggling during the show.

It looks like Karen found another tree to hug. If she keeps this up, they won't be able to leave the Ren-Faire for a while because there are trees everywhere!

Remember my post about Luann and my recent visit to Ren-Faire? Well, Karen decided come up from behing this 'tree' to give him a hug, and boy was he surprised! See the devilish look in her eyes? She knows she got him good...

Time to stop by the Mermaid Cafe for refreshments...

...and then it was time to visit the 'Horny Man'. A gentleman whom specializes in the manufacture of strap-on horns you can wear around the Ren-Faire. It looks like Teishalyn has chosen a set of curly blue horns. I'm not sure if that's a look of approval from Jeff and Marci though

Next, it was time for Teishalyn to try on a corset at a different corset shoppe. Ok, suck it in girl!

After the bindings and lashings were secured, it was time to check the cleavage effect the corset is supposed to provide. It looks like Karen and "Miss Jeff" aren't giving the 'nod of approval'... So it was returned with a "thanks, but no thanks" to the proprietoress of the shoppe.

Yeah, this is what it's all about. Spending a nice day with friends and family, enjoying their company.

As a special note about Jeff, this is likely to be the last Ren-Faire he will be spending with the girls, as he has accepted a job in Germany and will be moving overseas soon. We will miss you Jeff, and we hope that there any many new and exciting experiences waiting for you in Germany.


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