Katrina's 18th Birthday Party
Katrina's 18th birthday was held at the TBBC and then Katrina, Brad, Jennifer and Captain Biggins went over to a place called "The Castle", a place that 'Gothlings' like to hang out, just so the kids could check the place out.
Looks like she's wearing her 'birthday costume' for the trip to The Castle afterwards. It was nice having Bradley and his family come out to the TBBC and to meet Vicki and John, the owners of the restaurant. Unfortunately, we didn't have many pictures and of the ones we did have, most were pretty blurry. After the birthday party was over, Katrina and Brad were escorted the The Castle by Captain Biggins and Luann's friend Jennifer to make sure that their visit was a good one. Meanwhile, we took Melissa home, then came back to pick up the kids at midnight. Everything went well, and we deeply appreciate the extra efforts The Captain and Jennifer made to keep an eye on the kids. Well, this was a different way to celebrate Kat's 18th birthday, but it sure was fun!
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