April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everybody!

We chose to spend the day hunting for geocaches in a new park that had just opened up a couple of days ago. As luck would have it, we met up with several other geocachers while we were out there.

This is a picture of a potted lilly we got from Luann's mother last year. It had been dormant since about a couple of weeks past Easter last year, and then a couple of weeks ago, the flowers started forming again. The first flower opened on Saturday, while the second flower opened on Easter Sunday. Too cool!

So, here we are, out in this giant park and looking for a bunch of the caches that were recently placed.

When I looked into a rotted-out stump, I saw this skink 'catching some rays'. I don't think he knows about the snake that's right below him though...

This bug just kept marching down this handrail, so we just had to get a shot of his progress... I think it's an immature cicada.

Luann got a photo of these old termite trails cutting through the hardwood of an oak tree. We both believe that they look something like bug hieroglyphics...

We were joined by mytfine65 in the search for this cache, which turned out to be located under the footbridge.

Closeup of a bee. Got the shot, didn't get stung in the process...

Then we met up with Clearwater Rob, who also joined us in the hunt.

Here is mytfine65 finding a container tied to this bush.

Closeup of a thistle.

This stinkbug was trying to blend in with this thistle bush. I saw him though...

And here is a final shot of one of the biggest hornets I have ever seen. Thankfully, he was so busy burying his face deep into this flower that he didn't even care that I practically bumped him with the camera lens to get this shot.

So, we had a great time, found 8 geocaches and met up with a few of our friends on the way. A very nice day, I must say...


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