February 26, 2011

Police Activity Nearby

[Note: More details at the bottom of this post.]

At about 7:30 tonight, a young man was shot and killed in the parking lot of a small grocery store near our house. It seems that 2 cars parked at the corner of the parking lot, argued and shots were fired. At the time of this writing (11:20 PM), the roads are still blocked off as the police process the crime scene. As far as we can tell at this time, the youngsters in the 2 cars weren't from around our neighborhood.

This all started when we heard sirens coming closer and closer, then we noticed that a helicopter was practically hovering over our house.

The next thing we know, a couple of police cars stopped at the intersection at our house and blocked off the traffic. They were keeping the traffic from heading down the road across the front of our house.

After the helicopter left the scene, the police cars moved over to the grocery store, so we went out and could see that the area had been blocked off by the police cars and crime scene tape was everywhere. It didn't take long before bystanders and their cars started stacking up.

I counted over 25 vehicles related to the crime scene. At this point, we had no idea what the hub-bub was all about. It wasn't until we saw the Ten O-Clock News that we realized what had happened. Well, it looks like the "Big Bad World" is getting closer to our doorstep.

News Update: This was a drug deal / robbery gone bad. More details as they come up.


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