May 31, 2006

A Little More News About Mom

We got an email from Treesie and she said Mom had her PET scan done. The findings reinforce what had been reported earlier, the cancer has metasticized to the liver. Now that the PET scan is done, the oncologist is working out what will be done with her chemotherapy, then the uphill struggle begins. Treesie is looking into changing her work shifts into some long, hard hours over the weekends, just so she could take Mom to the doctor's office for the treatments. The problem is though, if she opts for this shift, there is good possibility that she will have to do it for 3 years. Talk about taking one for the family...

Uncle Frank has been calling Mom every couple of days to check on her diet and blood sugar levels, and he is happy to report that Mom's levels are steadily dropping into the normal ranges and even Dad has been eating better and reducing his sugar intake too. Hopefully, they will both enjoy continued progress.


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