A Quick Trip to Indiana
As luck would have it, I had to fly out to Petersburg, Indiana last Thursday on an emergency basis to repair a pair of soft starters installed in a power plant there (I didn't get back home until midnight, Saturday night). It was interesting to work on equipent that we had sold over 7 years ago...
I'll try to put up some more pictures of the starters a little later.

I'll try to put up some more pictures of the starters a little later.

Here are some pictures I took on the way back to the airport.

I'm from Petersburg. I just live a stone's throw from the plant you spoke of. I even work on the computers at the air port you flew in to as some of my friends keep their aircraft there. I also like that old railway bridge of which you had the photo It's still used every day.
I hope you enjoyed Petersburg! I'm going to post this anonymously because it's been so long since I used this service I forgot my User ID and password and failed to put it into my PalmPilot... ROFL
Mark A. Hicks
Petersburg, Indiana
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