December 5, 2006

Cast Upon The Rocks

As I was heading to work, I came across this sailboat that had somehow come loose from its mooring and was driven across Tampa Bay and cast upon the rocks on the northern side of the Courtney Campbell Causeway.

You can see where the wave action battered the hull against the rocks.
The police have already come by and tied her up to the rocks, but I don't know if they contacted the owner. You can see the round, tan spots on the hull where the blue bottom paint and white gelcoat has been worn through down to the base fiberglass due to wave action grinding it against the rocks. Kinda sad to see something like this...

Follow Up

As I was heading to work this morning (Wednesday), I could see a powerboat had tied up to the sailboat and was pulling it in the general direction of Safety Harbor ( I assume that's where they were heading because the wooden registration plaque on the sailboat had a sticker that said 'Safety Harbor Marina' and a unit number too). I say 'general direction' because they were having a devil of a time trying to get the sailboat to move in a straight line. Beyond the fact that I'm amazed the sailboat still floats, I'm even more amazed that the guys in the powerboat didn't realize that due to the nature of a sailboat's hull design, it will tend to tack back and forth on the tow rope if it is unmanned and the tiller isn't lashed down. Every time they pulled the sailboat, it would go left, then bank hard and pull to the right. Back and forth, back and forth. They were struggling mightily with trying to keep the sailboat going in the right direction.


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