June 21, 2007

Katrina's Birthday And Other News

Hi, this is Katrina and since my dad seems to be so busy, it's my turn to do the updates on the blog. So lets begin with my birthday. Well, my grandparents worked hard & got us a timeshare in Crystal Beach, Florida for my birthday.

This is the the hallway to the first floor of the timeshare
This is my room where I slept at night.
And this is where my parents stayed.

While we were at the timeshare the time in between unpacking, cleaning, doing laundry and sleeping was spent at work with my dad. We worked our butts off all week but decided to take Friday off for some "R&R". But that Thursday night, before we could rest, we had to go "collect" some of my friends for a miniature party at the timeshare that had been planned beforehand.

My friends and I (Andrea in pink, Melissa in white & blue, and myself in black) had a pillow fight in my room and we also had the "try to take pictures of Katrina" fight where I was running around the timeshare with my dad trying to take pictures of me. These are some of the pictures and aftermath.
It was a good try, but they failed to get my picture.
Is he still trying to get my picture?
Here is the wreckage we left behind.

On Friday we went out and did our usual Geo caching thing with a member of Brews Crew and also introduced a GeoMuggle (my friend Andrea) into the "game".

We all chose to take on Grey Wolf's Ammo Box, which consists of 10 clues and then the final. We found all 10 clues on that one day but had to come back later for the final (without my friends, sadly). As we were trekking along, my friends punching in coordinates as i read them off, we picked up a geocache or two.
N 28 degrees 46 minutes & something seconds...

Melissa, I thought you knew what a Geocache was.

This bleached crab shell we left behind will protect this geocache.

We had to stop looking for Grey Wolf's final that day only because it started raining like crazy. So we all headed back to the timeshare for some pizza and cake.

Just a few pizzas for the party.

Mmmm.....fudge cake...

The party started at 6 and my friend Natasha and her parents showed up. We had fun till late at night and then Natasha left. The rest of us stayed up later to watch a scary movie called "House of Wax" which made everyone but dad jump, only because he was asleep.

Okay, now please join us while we roll back the clock to Mother's Day. Here is what we did while Jaime was still here. We weren't exactly sure where we should go so we a tossed in ideas and came up with the Tampa Bay Aquarium for some "fishy fun" on Mother's Day. Uncle Mark joined us later on and we played in & around the tanks. Here are some pictures from our visit.

Jaime you're on the wrong side of the glass...

Do you want the small one, blue one or long one for lunch?

Can you reach it or do you need my help? Aaaah! Splash!

I challenge you to a staring contest!

I am not moving, no matter what you say.

Ooooh Mommy, there's the big one!

So that is what has been happening recently and there might be more later. But for now taa-taa!


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