December 5, 2007

Happy Saint Nicholas Day!

Happy Saint Nicholas Day to our friends and family! On the evening of December 5th, we celebrate the Dutch holiday by deciding to open one gift. We chose to open this one from Luann's parents and inside, it had this beautiful gold & green present/box. It has, of all things, an 'electric candle' in it and looks really neat on our holiday shelf by the front door. Thanks guys!
As for the rest of the presents from the Andersons, Katrina tucked them out of the way for now. We have been so busy at work and with travel plans lately, that we haven't decided if we will be putting up our Christmas tree this year. We'll have to see. You can also see that Katrina is doing better with her arm and hasn't had to use her sling very much. Oh, to be young again and to heal as quickly as us 'old folks' used to...


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