Yep, geocaching in Florida does come with a challenge!
Actually, we were looking for a good place to put a new cache container in a park near our house and came across this Florida Native. After taking this picture, we can uderstand why a picture of an alligator with the text "Geocaching With A Challenge" above it is the logo of the Florida Geocachers Association (of which we are members). Katrina is wearing one of their shirts with the picture of the gator on the back in this photo while we were in Trout River and Flatwoods Parks. Here we are with one of our finds, sorting through the items inside and signing the logbook. See, we did the whole thing on our bikes!
At one point, were even looked for a letterbox and couldn't find it. The view was worth it though.
This one was taken while we were going through the off-road trails in Flatwoods Park. This was a bunch of fun and the trails ran everywhere!
Looks like Katrina found another one!

They even had this cool bridge for bicycles to cross over, smack in the middle of the woods.
When Katrina was retrieving this ammo box from this tree that was hit by lightning, she ended up getting some of the soot on her arm.
I think Katrina is getting a bit tired of the tons of pictures I have been taking during this trip.
How nice of the park to put a road sign in the middle of the woods... Now, how far is it to Elk City?
We had a ton of fun riding our bikes and chasing down several, but not all, of the caches in these two parks. We will be back again to finish them up some time.
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