February 4, 2008

Pre-Game Geo-Event

Since Luann's favorite football team, the Green Bay Packers didn't make it to the Super Bowl yesterday, she didn't have any interest in watching the game. Well then, what can we do with a Sunday that would have been filled with the activities of Luann's hobby?
How about going to a geocaching get-together? We had a great time and made friends with several other geocachers we had heard about on the trails.

The geocaching event was held at Trout Creek Park. It consisted of about 100 people.

Here is a view from the other side. You can see that geocacher's come in all shapes and sizes. From infants to 70+ years-olds, everybody hunts geocaches for their own reasons.

During the meeting, there is a table set up where you can see the travelers, known as Travel Bugs and Geocoins. You can drop off ones you have found or pick some up to put them in geocaches yourself.

When we signed the attendance logbook, we received a raffle ticket for each mamber of our team. Unfortunately, we didn't win anything, but that's how it goes.

More raffle hopefuls. Uh, wait a minute! Can you read off that number again?

They were also selling some T-Shirts from the Florida Geocacher's Association, so we bought one for each of us.

After the meeting broke up, the group began hunting for the new geocaches that were placed for this event. You wouldn't know it, but Katrina and Luann are sitting right next to the geocache concealed under the park bench. Apparently, our fellow cachers didn't know either, but our girls knew.

We simply love the places that our fellow cachers choose for their geocache hiding locations. Simply amazing...

And now, a view to the right. Just as nice...

As we worked our way through the woods, we kept crossing paths with other groups that were hunting for the 27 caches located in this huge park.

At this cache,, we came across all of these people, waiting in line to sign the logbook in the new cache. Meanwhile, somebody found a letterbox (planted by a different group of 'hide and seek' adventurists), so we signed the geocache logbook, then stamped the letterbox logbook with our trademark dragon stamp.

Since we know that "Smiling Little Perch" and her husband, "Old Bass Catcher" are also letterboxers in addition to being geocachers, we told them about the double find so they could stamp their logo into the letterbox logbook too.

This geocache is what the eventholders called a 'moist' cache location. I ended up rolling my pants up and slogging through the cypress bog with my GPS in my hand to go find the container. It turned out that the container was located on a little island in the middle of a stream. (Wow! look at those white legs...)

And here I am, coming back from dropping off the container and picking a hitch-hiking spider off the side of my head. I guess the spider wasn't happy with me walking through his web. (Yep, those neon-white legs need to get some sunshine...) Well, as Luann said, "Since good-ole soggy-britches is soaking wet, it's time to head home".


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