February 13, 2008

Drew Sent More Hiking Pictures

This one is the family hike, when his wife Amelia and his two boys, Christian & Alexander joined him.

On the road again... Yep, there's lots of desert landscape in Arizona (duh!).

Ok, the car is parked and Drew is working with his GPS.

Looks like he's waiting for the rest of the crew... What could they be doing?

Maybe it was a pause for another picture of an adoring mother with her boys...

So, which way should they go? Looks like Alexander knows the way, follow him!

I guess this is why they call the parking area, First Water Trailhead. Wow, flowing water near here, who woulda thunk it?

You can see that the sun is starting to get pretty bright, so it's time for a break. Hey, any bit of shade you can find in Arizona is a good thing!

And what is the name of the book Amelia is holding? Could it be...? Nah! That isn't a hiking book is it? I thought Arizonans naturally knew all about hiking the Rocky Maintains, like they were born with this knowledge...

Looks like the trip is winding down and so are the boys. Time to head back to the car. Nothing like a family outing to have fun and enjoy each other's company.

Ok, so this picture doesn't have anything to do with hiking or mountain climbing, but it is so cute!


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