December 31, 2007

Peanut Rescue!

We were expecting to have a puppet from Jeff to be delivered from the Post Office today, but it was such a screwed-up experience, that I just have to tell you about it...

You see, I had ordered a Peanut puppet for Luann so she could take it to the Jeff Dunham comedy show tonight, but when we went over to the post office to claim him, they couldn't find the box. After one hour of wrangling, we were told that the box was most likely on the mail truck in our neighborhood. When we headed home, Luann called Katrina and told her to keep an eye out for the mailman and make sure he delivers the box with Peanut in it.

Here is a shot of the post office counter that I took with my cell-cam while we were waiting. Eventually, we headed towards the house and we saw 4 mail trucks parked at the local Whattaburger restaurant so Luann decided to go inside to see if one of those guys might have the Peanut puppet. Her idea was to march the letter carrier out to his truck and give her the box. When she grilled the guys, she found out that none of them were her intended victim and that the guy on our route was named, "Old Man Tom", who was still on the route, delivering the mail. They all seemed to heave a sigh of relief when Luann left to get back into the car. As we were backing up the car to head into our neighborhood to hunt down Old Man Tom, Katrina called to say she got the box from the mailman. The funny thing is, she actully had to chase down Old Man Tom, because the only thing the guy did was drop a couple of catalogs in the box and drove away. When Katrina caught up to his truck and stated that she knew he had a box for us, Tom simply stated that she must be from "that crazy lady that Dispatch told me about".

So, we got Peanut just in time for the show and we hope that we might be abe to get him to sign his shoe (how cool will that be?)

As a post-script, Old Man Tom dropped off the rest of our mail that had been reserved for us to pick up from the post office after we returned from vacation, but they said we didn't have any mail at the office. It looks like Tom must have kept the backed-up mail in his mail truck instead of dropping it off. With that in mind, why didn't he drop all 27 pieces of mail when Katrina spoke with him on Monday, instead of bringing the mail back out again on Wednesday? Oh well, and 'Snail-Mail' is wondering why we complain about higher stamp prices for their poor service, and choose to use UPS and Fedex instead...

Alright! Peanut has arrived!


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