June 10, 2008

Dad Went Fishing Yesterday

Dad met up with Uncle Frank, Karen and crew to do a little bridge fishing off the Gandy Friendship Trail.

Details and pictures, coming soon.

Actually, I never got any pictures of their fishing fun, so the best I can do is relay the story...

Apparently, they had some luck and Dad brought home a sail catfish and a mangrove snapper. Unfortunately, the catfish is extremely oily and filled with small bones, so we really couldn't do anything with it. But the snapper gave me the chance to show Katrina how to scale, clean and fillet a fish. It wasn't long after the snapper was cleaned that it went straight into the frying pan. Mmmm, good!

Dad told me he had a situation where he was sitting in one of of those collapsible chairs when he saw his fishing rod jump to the left. As he tried to jump up and grab the pole, he got tangled up in the chair and fell forward. The line snapped, his glasses were torn off his face and thankfully, his pride sustained more damage than his body did. When he got home, he showed me his mangled glasses, so I broke out my jeweler's tools and spent about an hour getting the frames back into proper shape. After a couple of trial fittings to check my progress, all was good.


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