August 12, 2008

Another Episode Of "On The Way To Work"

Once again, I have been presented with a photo opportunity of a fine example of life on the road, to and from work. Perhaps I should start a blog about traffic issues I come across and call it, "On The Road Again"...

It looks like this is a classic "boat on a trailer / sudden stop" accident where either somebody pulled in front of the truck pulling the boat (a very nice Wellcraft, I might add) and stopped quickly, or the driver of the truck wasn't paying attention and 'used the vehicle in front of him for brakes'. Whatever the cause, the boat was only restrained by the bow eye to the winch tower on the trailer. So when the boat experienced a sudden stop (from an impact with a vehicle in front of the truck) there were no restraints between the back of the boat and the trailer to keep it from moving forwards. Well, this means that the boat simply broke its bow eye from the tower and leaned to the right as it exited the trailer. The evidence to this are the marks on the port side of the boat in the dark blue paint as the boat scraped down the tower and came to rest on the asphalt, the missing (ripped out) bow eye on the boat and the obvious lack of any restraints on the rear of the boat being the main clues. If the boat had been properly tied down, it is likely it would have remained on the trailer.

I hope that whoever is responsible for this mess has good insurance, because not only is there a damaged truck to deal with, the boat itself is probably around 80-90 thousand dollars if it is found to be a total loss, not to mention the replacement cost of the trailer. I think I'm going to have another look at my coverage levels...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor boat.. i guess they didn't tie the boat properly or may be they are trying to see if it can run along the street. Well as long as one got hurt, they are still lucky except their pocket...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 6:25:00 PM  

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