October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We did another haunted house, with a new twist. I cant wait to tell you about this one!

It all started with Katrina installing the front graveyard.

Here she is, dropping body parts and headstones on the grass and dragging the rest of the bones over to the other side.

Guess she doesn't need us to give her a hand, 'cause it looks like she's got all she can 'hand'...dle.

Uhm, did she put her arms somewhere on the ground?

It's beginning to look like the graveyard is getting the best of her.

Alas, poor Youric... Wait! Didn't we meet last year? Click here and see!

Ok, job's all done. Time for a high-five!

Well... It's the best that he can do....

Time to "battery-up"! Gotta make everything flicker and flash, ya know?

Ah, the entrance to the haunted house, just like last year. Katrina and her boyfriend Brad were helping me get it all together before night fall.

It's beginning to take shape. And this time, we decided to put walls up this year.

Not only that, I put together a power point slide show and used a projector to display it on one of the end walls we didn't install in the carport.

Here's the lineup for the team this evening. Brad, Katrina, Me (without a mustache anymore), Melissa and her boyfriend Stephen.

Melissa's mother, Tammy stopped by with little Phillip to see this year's haunted house.

Phillip showed me his 'costume', which is the latest thing. It's a 'hoodie' sweatshirt with a Frankenstein pattern on it. Just zip it up and bingo! You're ready for Trick or Treat.

Since Katrina invited her friends over, we turned it into a mini-Halloween party with snacks and stuff. I wonder what somebody said to Stephen to merit this look.

As we were doing our thing, we were also joined by another friend of Katrina's. This is Rachel in the red Harry Potter quidditch robe.

Ah, another victim attempting to make her way to the candy bowl.

This teenagers kept moving around, trading work zones in an effort to keep things interesting.

This is one of the opening slides, with a spooky voice welcoming you inside.

As this slide was running, we had the Monster Mash song playing on a boombox radio (controlled by the computer).

Arrrgh! The candy be over thar!!!

With this slide, the theme song from the movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas" was playing. It starts with a blank screen and then different characters slowly populated the screen to about this point.

And this one had the intro song for the Addams Family playing in the background.

Well, it's about 10:00, and things are starting to wind down. Time to start packing things up. We had over 200 kids show up and went through over 40 pounds of candy. We even survived the onslaught of a trailer hay ride loaded down with over 40 kids. We pretty much stayed busy the whole evening. I guess it's time to bid you a...


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