February 10, 2009

Luann Had A "Pitch The Pottery" Party

While Katrina & I were at the races last Saturday (2-7-09), Luann & Karen had some fun and blew off some steam at Conni's house participating in what they called a Chaos Party. This where you have some fun breaking dishes and such after writing your frustrations on the items first.

The participants.

Here's Conni with her first attempt at creating some chaos. Nice form too.

I think I would title this one, "Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting"...

Nothing like reaching for the ceiling before dropping it in the cellar.

The gallery is reduced to hushed whispers as Lyn lines up her shot...

Sandy Beach! Gutterball !!!

The visual cues seem to indicate Lyn knew that this was not quite the desired result...

But the wayward plate was finally deposited in the barrel with smashing success...

Only a few more pieces to go.

Time for a little bit of a libatious repast...

...then on to creating something out of the chaos.

This mirror looks like a great platform for a new beginning.

A little bit of tile adhesive and things are coming together.

After the glue dries, the black duct tape will be removed, then this will be something else. Looks like the girls had even more fun than usual on yet another one of their "Girls Night Out" evenings...