March 28, 2009

Dad Made It Through The Surgery

I got a call from my brother Jody, and he said Dad came through the surgery and the Doc said it doesn't look like the mass he removed was cancerous. Samples were sent to a couple of labs, just in case, and we're hoping for the best. So far, Dad is stable and came out of the anesthesia in the amount of time they had expected he would. The Doc said Dad will have to undergo chemotherapy anyway, because they suspect an immuno-deficiency problem, so when the results come back from the labs, they will decide if he needs anywhere between the full battery of drugs that usually knocks a person for a loop, to something as simple as a pill a day.

So, things aren't as bad as they first seemed, but there is still the issue with cirrhosis of the liver and the Doc who performed today's surgery noticed that Dad has a touch of emphysema too. The testing is continuing as the medical team tries to figure out all of the problems Dad is dealing with.

I'll post more news as it develops.


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