May 11, 2009

Katrina & Bradley's Senior Award Ceremony

The kids received a notice that we had to be at the high school tonight in order for them to receive awards they had earned in school.

Here is the program.

Soon, these chairs will be filled...

See, I told you so. The MC told the kids they should stand up and congratulate us for pushing them to do so well in high school.

Here is Bradley, accepting his awards. He got a Bright Futures scholarship, a $1000 Genzyme outstanding biological sciences award and a Presidential award. That's Katrina's man what done that! His mother Ann was totally surprised when Bradley was called on-stage as the only recipient of the Genzyme outstanding biological sciences $1000 scholarship.

And here is Katrina. Watch out Mr. Green, here she comes!

Too late, the 'Huggie-Monster' attacked the principal of the high school...

Yep, she did it. A Bright Futures scholarship, Presidential accademic award and trophy.

And here they are, showing off their prizes. These two have made their parents exceedingly proud of their hard work.

Eventually, Brad made it over to his mother and you can see she is a bit emotional over seeing the results of such a grand achievement, as his dad Steve, looks on with pride.

It looks like the kids make a good team as they challenge each other to improve themselves. And they are both planning to attend a local college together too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What can I say? Katrina and Bradley (though I haven't met him yet) keep up the good work. You guys deserve all the accolades.... and hopefully, this will continue on when you're both in college. Don't stop studying and i'm sure you'll both be successful in life.


Friday, May 15, 2009 6:07:00 PM  

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