October 25, 2009

A Rough Weekend...

It seems that I wasn't feeling well when I left work on Friday and by the time we got home, I basically went right to bed. When I woke up Saturday morning, I had a temperature that was hovering near 104 degrees. After a while, the fever seemed to break and I was feeling a little better, but as the day wore on, the fever came back with a vengeance. It rose back up to near 104 degrees, and everything hurt, to include a massive headache. This continued on throughout the night, with Luann checking on me every couple of hours. She actually admitted that she couldn't sleep because she thought that things seemed so severe that I might not make it through the night.

Well, at about 6AM, the fever broke again and after yet another dose of Dayquil, I'm feeling like I went through Hell, but I'm still here...


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