April 8, 2010

More Traffic Problems

Well, as you can see, it has been a real challenge as we try to make it to work and back home again safely. Thanks to spring break, the traffic has been particularly tough lately...

Remember, "Click-On-A-Pic" to see a larger version of the image.

This one was on the way to work. Apparently, a truck dropped a couple of pallets during rush hour and this Lincoln went for the wall...

As you can see, everybody is in a big hurry to clear the lanes. At least with these pictures, we could prove why we were late to work.

On the way home, we decided to take a different bridge and it was a bad choice. The cars on the right didn't want to stay in the stop-and-go traffic, so they tried to go down the access road. Turns out that it was blocked off and everybody had to turn back around and go back to the entrance of the access road (heh-heh).

As we were creeping along, I caught sight of this sailboat, which looks like ours.

Going up the bridge, I discovered this patrol car was blocking the lane, so we had to move over.

And he sure had a good reason to move cars over. It looks like this car used another car for brakes and destroyed his front end.

After we got over the bridge, there were 2 more accidents comprised of 5 cars and 7 cars respectively. This one was the 7-car crash and one of the cars hit the guard rail.

Getting closer...

And here is the car that hit the guard rail.

Not to mention the rest of the cars involved. People aren't paying attention and are looking everywhere but where they are going and BAM! Another slowdown...

And this one here, a day later, happened in the parking lot of a fast food joint. It looks like the driver forgot to turn left at the end of the 'runway'.

Here is a closer look. Seems to be that yet another "Ultimate Driving Machine" wasn't matched up to an 'Ultimate Driver'.

I was wondering why everybody was just standing around the car and didn't seem concerned. I guess it's because the Sheriff's department has everything well taken care of...


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