May 17, 2010

Flashmob VII Geoevent - May 15th, 2010

So, we decided to attend another Flash-Mob geoevent like we did in 2008. This time, Captain Biggins (the host) chose a favorite hangout called Channelside for the event. The idea behind a flash-mob is to have everybody milling about waiting for Captain Biggins to arrive at 1:00PM and blow a whistle. The event begins with all of the attendees rushing up and placing a piece of paper with their geo-name on it into a bucket so that they have registered for the event and to participate in the drawings for prizes.

Uhm... Tell you what, why don't I let the pictures help do the talking?

So, Captain Biggins blew the whistle and geocachers with straw hats on, came rushing to the table (after all, it was National Straw Hat Day).

They dropped their pieces of paper into the plastic bucket the Captain had brought.

And while the goody-bags were being distributed by Katrina and Brad, Captain Biggins heard a shout behind him...

...Hey! Wait up for me!

Here is something of an aerial view of the courtyard. It started out kinda small, but it started to pick up steam...

I see you, 'seeing' me! Hi, everybody!

And here is our videographer, hard at work. Unfortunately though, the vid-cam went wonky and there was nothing on the tape, even though it said it was recording something...

The Captain performs the drawing for the door prizes, but he looks a little nervous though. You can see the goody-bags and kazoos stacked up in front of him.

I can Kazoo, can you?

The goody bags had some mini chocolate-chip cookies, a pathtag geocoin and a kazoo it it. We'll explain the kazoos in a bit...

When the Captain drew the name for the FTF (First To Find) prize, it looks like the winner was excited.

And here he is, collecting his prize from Biggins.

Here is a picture of one of the geocachers warming up her kazoo, while her compatriot photographs the silly scene.

Smiling Little Perch and Old Bass Cacher were running a little late too.

The funny thing is, we completed the requirements for the flash-mob meeting kind of early, so the Captain decided we could hunt for a geocache to burn off some time. The funny thing about this though, is that it took a couple of laps between the staircase and the escalator to get the job done.

Here comes Lost It 2 and her Crew... They are having a bunch of fun at this event.

Ah, finally! Now we can sign the logsheet in the cache container.

You! Have! Been! Shot!

The Captain decided to run down the Up escalator. Run Biggins, run! Meanwhile, Katrina is trying to hand him his red kazoo.

Oh no! Now I have been 'shot'! Luann takes a picture of me, taking a picture of her up & down the length of the escalator.

So, I snuck around and got a close-up of her.

Did you happen to notice that some of us were wearing birthday party hats? Well, in addition to this being Flash-Mob day and Straw Hat Day, it was also Podcacher Sean's birthday, so here we are, singing Happy Birthday to Sean (and not doing so well at it).

And here is a 'behind'-the-scenes look at the group photo.

Now it's time to line up and put those kazoos to use. Since we had to exit Channelside humming the theme song from the movie, "Bridge On The River Kwai", we recorded the piece on CD and played it (loudly) on the boombox Katrina is holding as we marched out.

Uh-1, and uh-2, and uh 1-2-3-4!
Hum-hum, humm hm-hm, hum-hum-hum!
The innocent bystanders had no idea what was going on.

Here we are, making our way out of the Channelside pavilion.

Some people did it with a little 'flair'.

While others chose to mug for the camera as they went by.

Are we having fun yet?

And here we are, in the 'spillout' area. At this point, we broke off, going in our own directions. Some chose to hunt for some local geocaches, others decided to go back into Channelside for a visit, while others decided to go home to get out of the heat.
All-in-all, it looks like everybody had a great time... See you at Flash-Mob VIII next year!


Anonymous Infidelity Investigation said...

That's very interesting or colorful competition. I enjoy the it when reading. great idea by Captain Biggins.

I really like this interesting blog.

Friday, June 04, 2010 5:24:00 AM  

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