March 21, 2011

Ren-Fest, Geocaching & The Moon

Here is a backlog of our activities and photography over the last week or two.

Time to head over to the Rennaisance-Faire. Got your tail on?

Katrina & Bradley working the soda booth (and a photo-bomber in the background).

Look at that smile. I'm sure the stout in the mug contributed a little...

Back at the kids again. "Are You Being Served?"

Trying on a bauble or two...

I always love the birds of prey, but this is the first time that we have seen owls there. Wow, look at the eyes...

And man, look at this one too.

Say "Hello" to this very alert kestrel.

Don't forget to say hello to our family tree-hugger too!

Whoa! You have to remain alert around those birds! You never know when one will want to land on your arm while you're not looking...


Well, it's time to go. I often complain to Luann that she typically cuts off people's feet when she takes their picture, so the girls held their feet up to make sure they were in the photo too.

This photo was taken as the moon was setting on the morning we went to the seashore to do a CITO (Cache In, Trash Out) event for geocaching. As the moon was setting, it became dark red, or what is know as a 'blood moon'.

The walkway to the beach.

Here we are standing around at the muster area, getting our instructions from Captain Biggins (the moon has gone down and the sun is coming up).

Time to grab our trash collecting gear and head out.

Ok, Captain Biggins, this one's full. Now what do we do with it?

Well, it's time to head over to the Ren-Faire again, to meet up with Cerise & Jason and Jason's son.

This is the Sword In The Stone feature at Ren-Faire. Jason's son is intently focused on his task.

Next, he hung out with a man-tree. Looks like he's learning to smoke at an early age. Actually, I think the man-tree is on fire!

This is a new installation for this year, which is basically a living statue that is also part water fountain. A nice touch.

How about a little throwing-star practice? Looks like fun...

Next was a ride in the human-powered swinging barrel. Look at that smirk. He knows he's gonna have some fun.

We have now come to the creepy-crawly portion of our show. This spider was crawling around on my arm so when it stopped on my finger, I had Luann take this close-up photo.

At this point, we have left the Ren-Faire and I noticed this bee on the tire of the van. The eyes really had me wondering because they look more like a dragonfly's eyes than a bee's, so I looked it up on th einternet and this is a carpenter bee. Interesting...

This photo of the moon was taken the next morning on Sunday where Luann and I got up early to do a moon-set / sun-rise photoshoot on the Courtney Campbell Causeway. This shot was taken with her camera. I really like the zoom lens on that thing...

Here is a shot I got.

Then Luann turned around and got a picture of a rocket launch. We had no idea this was going up at this time.

The moon-set, which is what we came for.

Another moon-set picture, but pulled back.

Hi Luann! Well, the sun has come up, it's time to go...

And, we jump over to the next weekend where Karen, Parris and I went geocaching after installing a new dishwasher. We took in the view from this dock before starting on our geo-journey.

We came across this 'flume' of running water near the first cache location. It was weird to see that the area was choked with oysters.

It looks like we found another one, as Parris inspects the contents while Karen signs the logbook.

Time to relax a little after finding 5 caches in this park. It looks like PArris and Karen are getting along pretty well.

Ok, the sun is going down on us. Time to head home... Until next time.


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