December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas Everybody!

We had an eventful Christmas day, starting off with a mighty car crash (in front of us, we weren't involved), then a great time geocaching with Katrina and Brad. Here are some pictures...

This accident was caused by the van farthest away in this picture. The driver amost hit us in the Camaro as she was slicing her way through the traffic at a speed much greater than the posted 45MPH. We were talking about how this 'idiot' was going to make it a bad Christmas day for other drivers or at least the safety workers that would have to respond if she were in a one-car crash. Moments after saying that, we saw a small silver car spin out to the right and then slide to the left and tire went rolling across the road to the right. My comment? "She got somebody!"

This is the passenger after he got out of the car. The left side is so smashed up, the driver had to crawl out on the passenger's side. Thankfully, nobody was hurt.

The girl in the blue shirt is a first responder, who was driving the bronze-colored chevy that is closest in the first picture. As you can see, this car took a serious hit in the left-rear from the van. When the van driver climbed out of her car, all she could say is; "What happened"over and over and seemed to be quite delirious. She was placed in an ambulance and was hauled away.
The wheel I saw rolling across the road when the crash happened, with the driver and passenger of the silver car in view.

And this is the real reason we were out on the road Christmas morning, to find this Christmas-based geocache..

This is one of the best ones we have found so far. The geocachers that made this one up have gone above and beyond the call of duty to put this one together...

We liked it so much, that after we returned home, the kids showed up and we hopped in the van and drove over to see it. We ended up meeting some other geocachers too.


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