April 9, 2011

FGA Withlacoochee Geoevent Near Dade City

This was a statewide event held by the FGA (Florida Geocacher's Association), of which we are members.

Here's a picture showing most of the people that attended this weekend event.

These kids were having a blast collecting bugs and showing them to their mom.

One of the neat things about these geo-events is that you get to talk with other cachers to swap stories and techniques.

A view of the sign-up table.

We came across this cute little green tree frog hanging out nearby.

As we walked around looking for geocaches, we saw these mock-up buildings showing how Florida 'Crackers' used to live.

I also caught a Black Racer snake in our travels. I can't remember ever having caught a black racer before...

And... Off he goes!

Over by the Cracker buildings, we saw this small cemetary...

...which is right behind this mock-up church.

It even had this nice stained glass window.

Sometime in the middle of the event, we stopped by a nearby store to get some essentials, and came across this old, abandoned storefront, so we took some 'Urban Decay' shots before heading back over.

The irony of this image was definitely not lost on us...

We found a geocache that was specifically placed near this sign so we could discover this information.

After reading both sides of this sign, I made a point of reading more about this subject when we got home.

Well, we are just about ready to head out, so we'll take a few pictures of this river.

Yeah, this was neat.

I stepped onto this remote data collection station to get these shots.

Here is a close-up of the sign on the enclosure.

We were picking up geocaches on our way and when we stopped at this plaza to grab one, this hawk flew right by us.

It turned out that this was one of a mated pair of Red-Shouldered Hawks and they were so busy catching and eating anything they caught get their talons on, that they let us get close so we took some great photos. After looking them up on the internet, we found that these guys aren't all that rare after all... Well, this turned out to be a great photography day.


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