June 5, 2006

More News About Mom - Thanks Treesie

This is an email we just got from my sister Treesie.

Hey guys,
Friday we went to Mom's oncologist. Here is the breakdown of what we found out. Her cancer is stage four, it is in her lymphatic system, it is not curable, they can only "hope to give her many more years with her family as opposed to very few". According to the pathology report, the cell type is a standard adnocarcinoma colorectal cancer cell. There was nothing remarkable about it.
They will be treating it with a 3 part cancer cocktail.

I don't quite remember the name of it but it is Fox something. She will not be doing any radiation therapy, they don't feel she will benefit from it. Today, she is going to the doctor to schedule a portacath surgery. It is a catheter placed under the skin. She will have this throughout her chemotherapy. Tuesday she gets that and on Thursday, I think, she will begin her treatment. She will go to the office for three hours then she will come home on a portable pump the next day, she will go back for two hours in office, then for the rest of the day and 1/2 of the next day, she will have the portable pump. This she will repeat every fourteen days from the start of the treatment, in other words, if she has a treatment on the 8th, she will have the next one on the 22nd. Treatments are tentatively scheduled for six months worth. The side effects of all of the drugs are pretty bad.

She's doing good right now, every time she sees another doctor, she comes down some but what can you do? So far so good. I know she doesn't do her share of calling or writing people but a phone call either Thursday or Friday would be very beneficial to her outcome.

Have a great day, Love ya,
Treesie Richins

Thanks Dee, we really appreciate the update. Hans.


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