July 25, 2006

Work Progress - Day 9

Today was spent starting and stopping the mill, added another switch to the control panel and after lunch, a 4-hour mining safety certification training course that we had to take, because the Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA, pronounced - imsha) mandates that all workers spending more than 5 days on site must be certified. The parts did show up from the plant this afternoon and we are looking good for getting the second part of the job started on Thursday. It looks like Tom and I are going to be working here until the end of next week.

The only pictures I took today were videos of a machine called a spotter that uses 250 volts DC to make the motor move like a stepper motor. Whenever the motor makes a step (small degrees of rotation), the arcs that comes off the 6 relays are like small lightning bolts.

When the salesmen from the factory were here, the Electrical Supervisor likes to show, to those whom have not been sufficiently initiated, the spotter control system while its running to see what their reaction is. Needless to say, they jumped back a bit when the lightning storm began...

Well, tomorrow is a day of rest, we will start in earnest on the second stage of the job Thursday morning at 7:00AM. I'll keep you-all posted.


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