July 18, 2006

Work Progress - Day 2

Well it seems that the days are getting tougher, and it's only the second day at the jobsite.

As the day wore on, the temperature climbed to 98 degrees in the shade, then it rained just enough to increase the humidity. We knew it was going to be rough when lightning was flashing all around us as we were getting into the car first thing this morning.

We finally got the wiring and old back panel pulled out, then our new one was installed. It was a tight fit but after some skillful work with a Sawzall on a bracket that was in the way, Tom got it to fit.

We had to pull this 175 pound monster out of the back of the cabinet in order to install our soft starter panel. It's amazing Tom and I didn't break our backs lifting this thing out and sliding it down the aisleway in such an tight, enclosed space.

This is what the machine looks like in the back of the enclosure with some of our parts mounted in it. A couple of pieces are just placed in a spot to get an idea of how big the item is and to envision the spacing it needs around it to keep the 4160 volt power from jumping to ground or another cable.

We decided to hang this huge relay, also known as a contactor, on a bracket above most of the equipment to get it out of the way. We'll most likely hang another one to the right of it tomorrow.

This is what is inside the gray box that was installed yesterday. The wiring is connected to the transformer in the bottom, some parts were added to the white panel with the gold pieces on them (heatsinks) and the orange wiring was spliced in.

Well, it was another tough day, but we are making headway...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I never knew my brother could get himself into so much. Very proud of what he is accomplishing with his life. Who would have thunk if of him!!
Big (little size ) sis
He still got the rubber ducky!

Thursday, July 27, 2006 12:18:00 PM  

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