October 17, 2006

We Went To See Another Hockey Game

Luann was able to pick up tickets to a Tampa Bay Lightning hockey game, so we decided to treat the family to a night out to the biggest piece of ice in Tampa Bay.

Here we are, 7 rows up from the glass, watching all the action on the ice, up close. I kept watching for a puck to come flying over the glass. You can see we were in the right place for something like that to happen.

Our seats were positioned directly across from the tunnel where the Lightning players 'hide out' between periods. (After a losing score of 1-5, I can understand why, better luck next time guys.) The blue dots (and some white ones too) that you can see up in the stands are coming from LED light necklaces that they gave out at the game. All of ours were white.

And then there was this loud-mouthed fool in front of us. Of the many stupid things he yelled at the top of his lungs throughout the game, the most intelligent was when he finally said; "Time to go home" near the end of the game. I think it was quite appropriate that he was wearing this baseball cap that resembles a hockey puck on his head. Yep, you got it, he's a real Puck-Head...

The girls had a real good time and we ended up leaving before the last 5 minutes were up because it was kind of obvious the Lightning weren't going to have a miraculous rebound by then.


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