July 3, 2007

Summer Visit

The Andersons have come down for a visit and we took them out geocaching! (Of course)

Here we are, starting off on our first hunt in a butterfly garden.

And waddaya know? Poppa came over and asked me to inspect this strange-looking Florida bug, since he had never seen one quite like it before. Welcome to Geocaching!

The next one we were searching for was suspended high up in a tree. Bingo! Poppa found that one too.

Alright, alright. I'll get it...

This geocache had a clue of "Old Man & The Tree". Any idea what that could mean?

And where would the container be hiding? Behind his nose, of course!

Afterwards, they decided to take on some caches that we hid, which we call our Dragon's Run Series. After reading the hint that says: Stay WITHIN the fence line, DR-1, the cinnamon spice bottle inside the fencepost, was found pretty quickly.

DR-2 put up more of a fight, but eventually, they found it.

DR-3 was a little tricky, until they figured out that a tree branch could be hollowed out and a container put inside it. This was good training for them to go looking for our big geocache, 1 Fish, 2 Fish, I fish, U Fish. Well, so much for our caches, time to hunt some other peoples' caches again.

This hide here was very difficult, it turned out to be spice bottle with a beautiful geocoin hidden in it. That made it worth the 40-minute hunting time for this one.

This cache is called "Old Lump" and Katrina was the brave soul that located it. There was a nice geocoin in this one too.

So far, we've been having fun with these things and as of this writing, we have found 299 caches. Now, where do we go that is special for our 300th find?


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