December 13, 2007

New York Geocaching - 2nd Day

Since I had decent success finding a couple of caches yesterday, I decided to head out for more today. Unfortunately, I was slowed down by a snowstorm. I did find one cache though, and it was a tough one, but eventually, driving wind, sleet and slush everywhere told me I needed to get back to the hotel. (As I am writing this, I can hear the snowplows scraping the parking lot down below).

After I parked the car, I came across this park bench. You can see the snow falling in the background.

As I pushed deeper into the park, the snow really started to pick up. The background is getting hazy-white, and I haven't even come close to the geocache yet.

I have to admit, the snow makes everything look kinda neat. Even this broken down, 50-something car that time (and mankind) seems to have forgotten about.

As I made my way around the river (and through the woods, thinking to myself; "Where's Grandma's house?") I could barely see the display on the GPS because it was covered in ice and snow. Not only that, but the liquid crystal screen was moving real slow due to the cold temperature. I knew the geocache was up and over to the left somewhere...

After slip-sliding my way up the side of the hill, I bear-hugged this tree to keep from sliding back down the hill on my butt, and wouldn't you know it, the GPS beeped to say I was near the cache. When I scraped the ice off of the display, it read 4.68 feet. Could it be the very tree I'm presently holding onto for dear life?

Well, waddaya know? It was hiding in the roots of the tree, with sticks piled up in front of the hole! I peeled off my gloves and popped the thing open, trying to maintain my balance on the snowy hillside. If you look at the logbook, you can see I wrote; "Whew! Cold! Snowing! Hi from Florida!" Time to pack it back into its 'hidey-hole' and head back out...

This time, as I passed the river, I took a couple of pictures. Again, things look alot nicer covered in snow.

I even had to skirt around underneath this commuter-train trestle. It's kind of neat looking, but the trains are kind of loud when they cross over, and you can get startled while lining up the shot on your camera.

Ahhhh, back at the hotel and the wind is really starting to pick up. Time to make a call and torture some poor Pizza or Chinese Food delivery man... Until later!


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