January 7, 2008

Hello From Sioux Falls - South Dakota!

Well, here I am. Up in the snowy north again. This time, it's Sioux Falls, SD. I got a chance to try out my new camera with its aerial setting. I wasn't too pleased to see all that white stuff on the ground...

I have to admit, it does look nice around here, but it is c-c-cold!

A funny scene for this Florida-Boy. I don't see why it isn't too cold for these Canadian Geese and Green-Head Mallards.

Wow, there is a bunch of these guys all over the place. Swimming in that cold water... I just don't see how they do it. It's not like they are penguins...

Since I arrived here fairly early, I decided to take a walk over to Sioux Falls Park, it's only a half mile from here.

Yep, that's ice and snow on top of the river, all the way to the bridge in the distance.

You know, I recently toured a different burned-down flour mill somewhere, I wonder where that was? (see: http://www.millcitymuseum.org/)
Anyway, here is another one that seems to have suffered from a similar fate. Since this is also an Earthcache, I might as well send in the picture and details to get credit for it. What? You thought I would walk for a mile round-trip without a geocacher's equivalent of a 'carrot' dangling in front of my face?

In truth though, even with the ice and snow, the Falls really are something to see.

A view from the water spillway where the falls were partially redirected to power the turbine that ran the flour mill. You can see where the pipeline ran in those crotches all the way down to the turbine house.

Ok time to head back. Nice view, still too cold though...

Should I? Nah, I wanna get out of this cold, so no sense in trekking across this RR bridge to see if I could get a really neat picture. It was tempting though...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy cow, Hans! You're really enjoying the snow up North. Don't tell me you're moving there too.. hehehe.. anyway have a safe flight back home.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008 8:37:00 PM  
Blogger The Nieborgs said...

Thanks Denny, the return flight was bumpy-jumpy (I HATE that!) but I made it home alive. NO! I am not planning on living in the 'cold country', that is NOT where this Florida boy belongs...

Monday, January 14, 2008 9:56:00 AM  

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