July 13, 2008

Dad Cooks His Balls

I had mentioned to Dad how I had made a batch of his Potat-Bolen (Potato Balls) and Nasi-Bolen (Rice Balls) by baking them, rather than deep frying, so he just had to try it for himself.

After molding the mashed potatoes and cooked rice into shape, he took some cooked ground meat (pork and sweet italian sausage stripped from their casings) and imbedded it into the middle of the bolen. He showed me his technique for coating the bolen with bread crumbs by rolling them around in a bowl. That's why the green bowl is something of a blur.

Ah, the finished product. The baking worked out pretty well, with only 3 of the total of 21 having split a little. Well, we know what we'll be taking to work for lunch tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like your dad is enjoying his cooking. Now you have a dedicated cook with most of the recipe probably coming from Indonesia... hey looks like you have a new kitchen.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 7:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot that Dennis is the "anonymous"

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 7:51:00 PM  

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