November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

We were invited to the house of the parents of Katrina's boyfriend, Bradley (now, that was a mouthful). We had a very nice time with a fun bunch of people to be with, so we thank them deeply for their hospitality.

As things were being set up, Katrina and Brad drove over to the local Best Buy store to see how other people were spending their Thanksgiving holiday. Here's a picture of several anxious shoppers camped out on the front walk of the store, waiting for it to open tomorrow to snap up the "Black Friday" Christmas deals that might be available. Seems to me that the 'human animal' is losing sight of what the holiday season is all about...
Saving a few bucks on a sale is not half as important as being with friends and family on Thanksgiving day.

Anyway, back to our originally scheduled 'program'...

I gave Katrina my camera to take a couple of pictures of our time spent with Brad's family and what's the first thing she does...? Snap a picture of Brad...

Introductions were flying around as we were greeted by one and all. You can see that several dishes have already made it to the table, with much more to follow.

Ah, it's time to set up a plate buffet style and find a seat.

Everything turned out to be wonderful and there wasn't a thing out of place on our plates. Kudos to Bradley's mom, whom worked hard (and with some help) to put this very nice and cozy gathering together.

Of course, after having a meal such as that, you need to work a little bit of it off, so we went geocaching. We hadn't looked for many of them in Brad's neighborhood, so this would be a perfect time to do so, and here is our first find.

For the second find, the teenagers went on ahead and made the score. They seem to look a little excited by their find. Well, sorta... kinda. Uhm...yeah.

After putting the container back, we posed the kids for this neat 'Couple Between The Trees' shot. It worked.

And yet another geocache was located. I happened to see the container as we pulled into the parking lot. We also found an unregistered geocoin in the box, and when I emailed the geo-seeker that dropped it off, she said that we could do what we pleased with it.

What a nice way to end your Thanksgiving Day. Just swaying back and forth in a rocking chair built for two...

Actually, this was a setup shot so we could distract geo-muggles, so they wouldn't notice we were grabbing the geocache container located there. It worked, we got the logbook signed and the container replaced, and nobody was the wiser.


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